Safe measures onboard merchant ships are the root cause for all operational considerations in international shipping. Such safety culture is based on a corresponding commitment of the officers on board and the executive management in the shipping companies ashore. This also includes the development and implementation of a suitable concept for maritime safety, marine environment protection and employment and living conditions on board.
Although the safety standards within the international merchant shipping increased for years, the issue is more relevant than ever. Due to the tough economic development in the recent years, the economic distress of the industry is one of the major risk factors: as bankruptcies are increasing and in cause of high debts and declining yields, shipping companies have tried to reduce the costs of maintenance, training and crew.
Considering these aspects, this years maritime safety conference hosted by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure offered industry and government representatives an insight view about the current focus of German activities for safe navigation on the oceans under the title "Safe equipment, management, training and rescue equipment".
More information about this topic can be found by the following links:
Main Office Sittensen / Germany
Lindenstr. 11, 27419 Sittensen / Germany / Europe
P.O. Box 1417, 27416 Sittensen / Germany / Europe
Phone.: +49 4282 59 40 798
Branch Office Hamburg / Germany
Georgsplatz 1, 4. Floor
20099 Hamburg, Germany, Europe
Phone.: +49 40 879 79 85 0
Representative Office Florida / USA
66 West Flagger Street, Suite 900, Downtown Miami
Miami / Florida 33130
United States of America
Tel.: +1 786 7430733
Representative Office Muscat / Oman
Tamina Building, 02nd Floor
Al Nahdha Road, Wattaya, P.O. Box 395
PC 118 Muskat / Sultanate of Oman / Middle East
Phone: +968 2466 7782
Representative Office Singapur / Singapur
3 Temasek Avenue
Centennial Tower / Level 21 / 039190 Singapore
Republik Singapore / Asia
Tel: +65 65 49 72 09
Representative Office Vilnius / Lithuania
Gedimino pr.20
Vilnius, Lithuania, LT-01103
East Europe
Phone: +370 520 78892