The current state of the EU-UK negotiations is merely reliable about one point: there are more open questions, than already fixed issues.
Within the last weeks the so called Brexit process itself has turned into a question if the current British government may endure the withdrawal negotiations with the EU, parts of the affected industries are preparing for a hard exit scenario as a soft outcome seems rather unpredictable.
While the media is full of major issues in terms of customs, territorial claims and citizenship, the question about the future of international business standards is vague: while the British Standards Institution claims that "BSI is continuing to work with European partners to make whatever changes are required to the statutes of CEN and CENELEC in order to reflect the UK’s status outside the EU." the National Standards Authority of Ireland "[...] is warning Irish businesses, particularly those who trade with Britain, that certification to international standards will be crucial and an 'absolute must' when Britain leaves the European Union."
As the discussion is still about major problems, smaller issues in regards to the Brexit do not even emerge within the public attention: In regards to the British dominated Maritime Security Standard ISO 28007 the future of the UK based certification bodies is likewise nondistinctive.
The i.b.s. management has recently provided some thoughts about this to the Hansa International Maritime Journal, which you can read here (in German language):
Security forces without a license after Brexit? at
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