Sri Lanka Business Opportunities

Sri Lanka Meeting

In the framework of the official visit by the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka, H.E. Maithripala Sirisena, investors and other interested parties got the opportunity for dialogues with the political and business delegation of the President during the Sri Lanka-German Business forum on 18.02.2016 in Berlin.

As Sri Lanka has ambitious plans to become the most open, globalised and competetive economy in South-Asia by 2020. It offers plenty of opportunities for maritime and such related services in it’s role as the maritime hub in the region for the global shipping industry.

Based on the positive development in reference to the political stability Sri Lanka also recommends itself as a hub for security related services for the maritime industry for the Western Indian Ocean as well as the South-East Asian waters.

For more information about the issue click on the link below:

Unstoppable Sri Lanka 2020 on

Mitgliedschaften & Partner

Bundesverband für Logistik
Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Logisitikinitiative Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


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