i.b.s.® re-approved by the Belgium ibz!


In August 2022 i.b.s.® again received the approval as a security consultant by the Government of Belgium for another five years and apart from other European countries this is honoror as security consultants audited and permitted by the Government of Belgium are acting as court specialists in cases where the expertise of a security consultant is moandatory.

Therefor we are proud that again i.b.s.® gianed the trust of the Government of Belgium and we look forward for the next five years in a professional cooperation.

Mitgliedschaften & Partner

Bundesverband für Logistik
Ghorfa Arab-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Logisitikinitiative Mecklenburg-Vorpommern


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E-Mail: hamburg@ibs-ops.com

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Tel.: +968 2466 7782
E-Mail: muscat@ibs-ops.com

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Tel: +370 520 78892
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